A boring day indeed ..

Can you tell? The stuff that I do day by day gets lesser and lesser .

Guess what? I did three pathetic stuff today:

+ Practise guzheng
+ Go for guzheng lesson
+ Watch anime (Clannad, all over again from season 1 ep 1 {: )

Oh wait, I forgot . Guzheng lesson was cancelled due to teach's ill.. issue .. Sigh . Lemme cancel that out then .

+ Practise guzheng
+ Go for guzheng lesson
+ Watch anime (Clannad, all over again from season 1 ep 1 {: )


Bored -.-"

Jap word that I learnt today: Betsuni . Correct? It means 'Nothing'/'none of your business' type of meaning .. Sigh . I'M SO BORED I THINK I CAN DO THIS EVERY MINUTE .

