During english, did the skit on crime de .
After the skit, my hands were SHAKING .
Looks like I still have not gotten over problem yet ..
But Mrs Ramesh said it was good .
Turns out that the whole class really laughed :D
SEE ZOEYY!! It was fine . Honestly,
even I told myself that, my hands still
kept shaking .
Well, enough of me, here's chapter 5!
Chapter 5
There was a long period of silence.I wiped my tears off but they kept on coming. Jacky stroked me gently on my back, as if it would help to stop my sobbing. In that moment, I really wished I would wake up in the comfort of my bed and realize that everything had just been a dream.
I guessed I had regretted telling Jacky everything. No one knew about all this except Landy. I had tried so hard to bury my past but Jacky’s persistence had caused me to dig it out. I pushed Jacky off, knowing I could not lay my head on his shoulder forever. To my surprise, he was wearing a smile, not at all surprised by my story.
“And you believe you caused the death of your mother? Because of the ‘curse’ that you have?” he said.
I nodded.
“Silly, Joanna. There’s a word known as ‘coincidence’. It just happened to be a coincidence.”
This time round, I shook my head. “A few days after my mother’s death, I had a quarrel with one of my friends. In the midst of the quarrel, I…” I paused again. It was hard to dig out a past that had been buried away for so long. “I said, ‘You’re so stubborn, your boyfriend is gonna leave you soon!’. And a few days later, her boyfriend broke up with her.”
“Well, two coincidences.”
“I once scolded a taxi driver for speeding. I said he would soon get into an accident if he continued to speed. He ignored my warnings and the next day, the newspaper reported that a taxi had smashed onto a tree. Luckily the taxi driver suffered no serious injury. I’ve always hoped it was just coincidences, Jacky. It’s not. It’s a curse. I’m cursed. Every bad thing I say will come true.”
“That’s the reason why you’re so quiet? So… introverted?”
I nodded. “More or less. Trust me, it’s not coincidences. There’re more examples of my curse. I dare not talk, for fear I may ‘accidentally’ curse others. It’s not my fault.”
Jacky bit his lip. A few seconds later, he mouthed, “I remembered you once said you’ve got friends outside JC. Is it true?”
“Just one friend. Name’s Landy. Strangely…” I stopped, wondering if I should tell Jacky about Landy or not. I thought, since I had already told him so much, why not tell him about Landy as well? “She isn’t affected by my curses. I had accidentally cursed her a few times but she seems to be immune to it. Nothing happens after my curses. Hence she has always been my best friend.”
I told him more about Landy, on how we first met and how she visited me frequently just for a chat. “My grandmother will open the door for her when I’m not in. However my grandmother always forgets she does that. She has poor memory and poor eyesight.”
“Landy must have been a good friend to come by for a chat.”
“Yeah.” I said, a bit annoyed by that pointless remark.
“So she knew about your ‘curse’ as well? And encouraged you to avoid talking to others?”
“That’s right.” I replied. “She had seen how people suffered under my curse. That’s the reason why she prefers me to keep quiet.”
“Okay…” Jacky muttered then closed his eyes, obviously trying to think of something to say.
I stared at his closed eyes. Why had I told him so much? Maybe it was to tell him the reason why I did not like the idea of the free-style play. Maybe it was also to tell him that my quietness was not my fault. Maybe to let him paint a better image of me in his mind.
“Remember your promise just now?” he suddenly said, interrupting my thoughts.
“Okay, believe in me now. Say this after me ‘I don’t have a curse.’”
“But I-”
“Remember your promise!” he exclaimed, cutting my sentence. “Now, repeat after me… ‘I don’t have a curse’.”
I guessed I just had to play along to humour him. “I don’t have a curse. Silly.”
“No! Just say ‘I don’t have a curse’. No ‘silly’ behind. Come on, try again.”
I shrugged. Was he childish or was I too matured? “I don’t have a curse.”
"Good. Now say ‘I am just having a minor mental illness that can be cured after seeing a psychiatrist.’”
“No!” this time, I yelled. “No, I, you… you-” I stopped myself at that very moment. I was going to say “you idiot”, but that would equal to cursing him. I just glared at him, wanting so much to scold him. “I’m not sick.” I sneered.
“Believe in me. Remember your promise? Believe in me! Say after me!”
“I’m not sick.”
“Believe in me. Believe me! You’ll not fail if you believe!”
“I’m not sick. I’m cursed.”
“Believe me!”
Once again, I fell into silence. Knowing that I would not win this argument, I said, “I don’t have a curse. I am just having a minor mental illness that can be cured after seeing a psychiatrist.”
Jacky nodded. “Good. I’ll call the shrink tomorrow, and we’ll book an appointment, okay? I’ll accompany you to the shrink.”
“What?!” I yelled instantly. “No way!”
“Look, Joanna, there’re still five more minutes to the hour. You should still believe me, alright? You need a doctor.”
“No I don’t!”
“Then prove it to me! If the doctor can’t cure you, then I’ll give up!”
I had never seen a shrink before. In my impression, a shrink looks like the beautiful Kelly Chen, the actress who acted as one in the movie “Infernal Affairs”. She would just listen and the patient will do the talking. The patient will feel better after taking some medication and he or she will be cured. Silly, isn’t it? How can anyone’s accumulated mental illness get better after saying everything and popping a few pills? I could not believe Jacky had just suggested I do that.
“No.” I said.
“I’ll go with you. Every appointment. Please.”
He would go with me? I pondered on that. For the longest period of time, I had always been alone. Now this silly weirdo had just proposed to accompany me for those silly appointments. I frowned, lowering my eyebrows to a V shape. Was he trying to break my routine?
“Are you trying to break my routine? Change my life?” I said my thoughts aloud.
“Yes. I wanna break your routine. I wanna change your life.”
This was getting sillier. I had been lonely for more than three years. What could he possibly do? I guessed the best he could do was to mess up my life. Like recommending me to see a shrink. Silly, silly Jacky. Really silly. Asking me to believe in him, to believe that he would be able to change my life…
“…for the better.” He added suddenly.
For the better? I stared up at the stars. Maybe I was trying to avoid him. But all of a sudden, I said, “When is the first appointment?”
It was my heart speaking.
He told me he had to check everything first. Upon our agreement, we climbed down the playground and made our way to the bus-stop. After waiting for a few minutes, we realized that it was close to one in the morning.
“Sorry, I don’t have enough cash with me.” He said.
“Me too.”
His face brightened up. “Then I’ll walk you home, and I’ll walk home after that!”
I wanted so much to smile. To laugh at his silly antics. However, I just nodded. We were at West Coast and my house is at Jurong Extension. It would take more than an hour’s walk.
We started the long walk talking about many things. This was the first time I had spoken so much to another person other than Landy since my parents’ deaths. Jacky said that he was the only child in his family. His father died of cancer when he was just seven; hence he had a very close relationship with his mother.
He said he learnt a lot of things when his father was dying. He told
me how precious life could be, and said that we all came into this world for a purpose. “Happiness and sadness are not caused by your surroundings. They’re caused by your thinking.” He verbalized.
When I asked him about his plans for the future, he gave me an answer that really surprised me. “My plans for the future? Make you smile. Do something meaningful.”
We reached my house about an hour later. He was totally exhausted. Beads of sweats blanketed his forehead, but he was still smiling despite the weariness. “I’ll call you.” He said. “I’ll call you and tell you when we’ll meet up for the appointment. I’ll… see you around, eh?”
“Yeah.” I said. I realized he still had a long way to go from my house to his house at Bukit Batok. “You want me to get some cash for you to take a cab?”
I had expected him to say yes. He was massaging his neck and looked as if he wanted to vomit. However, he maintained his pride and muttered, “No, I’ll walk home. It’s good exercise.”
“Well, good for you. See you.”
After he left, I took a bath. Landy was my room, sleeping soundly on my bed. After my bath, the doorbell rang. It was two in the morning. Who could it be? I looked through the hole in the door. It was Jacky.
“Hey…” he said, resting his back on the wall. His face was pale white, as if he had just seen a ghost. His lips seemed to be wet and he smelled of puke. “Can you lend me twenty bucks? I’ll return it to you tomorrow.”
I passed him the money. “Return me something else. Not the twenty bucks. Something else that is worth twenty bucks.” What was I saying? Sometimes, I felt that I said stupid things to him.
“Okay.” He saluted me and said, “I’ll return you something else. Something that twenty bucks can’t buy.”
With that, he ambled off. I stared at the last of his shadow before I closed my door, and I did something I had never expected myself to do.
I smiled to myself.
Sighs . Who's not tired u tell me? -.-
Anyways, this is a message to those who read this story (I believe you):
To my, my-blog readers :D
I thank you for reading my blog . HAHA . random ..
Anyway, YOU GUYS!! CAN NEVER miss a chapter on this, alright?
There's a bit of a change in the posting of this story .
These are the days that I will not be able to be free on:
-Sometimes Tuesdays and Wednesdays .
For the last 4 chapters; 17-20, it will be posted on the same day .
Credits go to LOW KAY HWA, writer of 'I Believe You' .
During english, did the skit on crime de .
After the skit, my hands were SHAKING .
Looks like I still have not gotten over problem yet ..
But Mrs Ramesh said it was good .
Turns out that the whole class really laughed :D
SEE ZOEYY!! It was fine . Honestly,
even I told myself that, my hands still
kept shaking .
Well, enough of me, here's chapter 5!
Chapter 5
There was a long period of silence.I wiped my tears off but they kept on coming. Jacky stroked me gently on my back, as if it would help to stop my sobbing. In that moment, I really wished I would wake up in the comfort of my bed and realize that everything had just been a dream.
I guessed I had regretted telling Jacky everything. No one knew about all this except Landy. I had tried so hard to bury my past but Jacky’s persistence had caused me to dig it out. I pushed Jacky off, knowing I could not lay my head on his shoulder forever. To my surprise, he was wearing a smile, not at all surprised by my story.
“And you believe you caused the death of your mother? Because of the ‘curse’ that you have?” he said.
I nodded.
“Silly, Joanna. There’s a word known as ‘coincidence’. It just happened to be a coincidence.”
This time round, I shook my head. “A few days after my mother’s death, I had a quarrel with one of my friends. In the midst of the quarrel, I…” I paused again. It was hard to dig out a past that had been buried away for so long. “I said, ‘You’re so stubborn, your boyfriend is gonna leave you soon!’. And a few days later, her boyfriend broke up with her.”
“Well, two coincidences.”
“I once scolded a taxi driver for speeding. I said he would soon get into an accident if he continued to speed. He ignored my warnings and the next day, the newspaper reported that a taxi had smashed onto a tree. Luckily the taxi driver suffered no serious injury. I’ve always hoped it was just coincidences, Jacky. It’s not. It’s a curse. I’m cursed. Every bad thing I say will come true.”
“That’s the reason why you’re so quiet? So… introverted?”
I nodded. “More or less. Trust me, it’s not coincidences. There’re more examples of my curse. I dare not talk, for fear I may ‘accidentally’ curse others. It’s not my fault.”
Jacky bit his lip. A few seconds later, he mouthed, “I remembered you once said you’ve got friends outside JC. Is it true?”
“Just one friend. Name’s Landy. Strangely…” I stopped, wondering if I should tell Jacky about Landy or not. I thought, since I had already told him so much, why not tell him about Landy as well? “She isn’t affected by my curses. I had accidentally cursed her a few times but she seems to be immune to it. Nothing happens after my curses. Hence she has always been my best friend.”
I told him more about Landy, on how we first met and how she visited me frequently just for a chat. “My grandmother will open the door for her when I’m not in. However my grandmother always forgets she does that. She has poor memory and poor eyesight.”
“Landy must have been a good friend to come by for a chat.”
“Yeah.” I said, a bit annoyed by that pointless remark.
“So she knew about your ‘curse’ as well? And encouraged you to avoid talking to others?”
“That’s right.” I replied. “She had seen how people suffered under my curse. That’s the reason why she prefers me to keep quiet.”
“Okay…” Jacky muttered then closed his eyes, obviously trying to think of something to say.
I stared at his closed eyes. Why had I told him so much? Maybe it was to tell him the reason why I did not like the idea of the free-style play. Maybe it was also to tell him that my quietness was not my fault. Maybe to let him paint a better image of me in his mind.
“Remember your promise just now?” he suddenly said, interrupting my thoughts.
“Okay, believe in me now. Say this after me ‘I don’t have a curse.’”
“But I-”
“Remember your promise!” he exclaimed, cutting my sentence. “Now, repeat after me… ‘I don’t have a curse’.”
I guessed I just had to play along to humour him. “I don’t have a curse. Silly.”
“No! Just say ‘I don’t have a curse’. No ‘silly’ behind. Come on, try again.”
I shrugged. Was he childish or was I too matured? “I don’t have a curse.”
"Good. Now say ‘I am just having a minor mental illness that can be cured after seeing a psychiatrist.’”
“No!” this time, I yelled. “No, I, you… you-” I stopped myself at that very moment. I was going to say “you idiot”, but that would equal to cursing him. I just glared at him, wanting so much to scold him. “I’m not sick.” I sneered.
“Believe in me. Remember your promise? Believe in me! Say after me!”
“I’m not sick.”
“Believe in me. Believe me! You’ll not fail if you believe!”
“I’m not sick. I’m cursed.”
“Believe me!”
Once again, I fell into silence. Knowing that I would not win this argument, I said, “I don’t have a curse. I am just having a minor mental illness that can be cured after seeing a psychiatrist.”
Jacky nodded. “Good. I’ll call the shrink tomorrow, and we’ll book an appointment, okay? I’ll accompany you to the shrink.”
“What?!” I yelled instantly. “No way!”
“Look, Joanna, there’re still five more minutes to the hour. You should still believe me, alright? You need a doctor.”
“No I don’t!”
“Then prove it to me! If the doctor can’t cure you, then I’ll give up!”
I had never seen a shrink before. In my impression, a shrink looks like the beautiful Kelly Chen, the actress who acted as one in the movie “Infernal Affairs”. She would just listen and the patient will do the talking. The patient will feel better after taking some medication and he or she will be cured. Silly, isn’t it? How can anyone’s accumulated mental illness get better after saying everything and popping a few pills? I could not believe Jacky had just suggested I do that.
“No.” I said.
“I’ll go with you. Every appointment. Please.”
He would go with me? I pondered on that. For the longest period of time, I had always been alone. Now this silly weirdo had just proposed to accompany me for those silly appointments. I frowned, lowering my eyebrows to a V shape. Was he trying to break my routine?
“Are you trying to break my routine? Change my life?” I said my thoughts aloud.
“Yes. I wanna break your routine. I wanna change your life.”
This was getting sillier. I had been lonely for more than three years. What could he possibly do? I guessed the best he could do was to mess up my life. Like recommending me to see a shrink. Silly, silly Jacky. Really silly. Asking me to believe in him, to believe that he would be able to change my life…
“…for the better.” He added suddenly.
For the better? I stared up at the stars. Maybe I was trying to avoid him. But all of a sudden, I said, “When is the first appointment?”
It was my heart speaking.
He told me he had to check everything first. Upon our agreement, we climbed down the playground and made our way to the bus-stop. After waiting for a few minutes, we realized that it was close to one in the morning.
“Sorry, I don’t have enough cash with me.” He said.
“Me too.”
His face brightened up. “Then I’ll walk you home, and I’ll walk home after that!”
I wanted so much to smile. To laugh at his silly antics. However, I just nodded. We were at West Coast and my house is at Jurong Extension. It would take more than an hour’s walk.
We started the long walk talking about many things. This was the first time I had spoken so much to another person other than Landy since my parents’ deaths. Jacky said that he was the only child in his family. His father died of cancer when he was just seven; hence he had a very close relationship with his mother.
He said he learnt a lot of things when his father was dying. He told

When I asked him about his plans for the future, he gave me an answer that really surprised me. “My plans for the future? Make you smile. Do something meaningful.”
We reached my house about an hour later. He was totally exhausted. Beads of sweats blanketed his forehead, but he was still smiling despite the weariness. “I’ll call you.” He said. “I’ll call you and tell you when we’ll meet up for the appointment. I’ll… see you around, eh?”
“Yeah.” I said. I realized he still had a long way to go from my house to his house at Bukit Batok. “You want me to get some cash for you to take a cab?”
I had expected him to say yes. He was massaging his neck and looked as if he wanted to vomit. However, he maintained his pride and muttered, “No, I’ll walk home. It’s good exercise.”
“Well, good for you. See you.”
After he left, I took a bath. Landy was my room, sleeping soundly on my bed. After my bath, the doorbell rang. It was two in the morning. Who could it be? I looked through the hole in the door. It was Jacky.
“Hey…” he said, resting his back on the wall. His face was pale white, as if he had just seen a ghost. His lips seemed to be wet and he smelled of puke. “Can you lend me twenty bucks? I’ll return it to you tomorrow.”
I passed him the money. “Return me something else. Not the twenty bucks. Something else that is worth twenty bucks.” What was I saying? Sometimes, I felt that I said stupid things to him.
“Okay.” He saluted me and said, “I’ll return you something else. Something that twenty bucks can’t buy.”
With that, he ambled off. I stared at the last of his shadow before I closed my door, and I did something I had never expected myself to do.
I smiled to myself.
Sighs . Who's not tired u tell me? -.-
Anyways, this is a message to those who read this story (I believe you):
To my, my-blog readers :D
I thank you for reading my blog . HAHA . random ..
Anyway, YOU GUYS!! CAN NEVER miss a chapter on this, alright?
There's a bit of a change in the posting of this story .
These are the days that I will not be able to be free on:
-Sometimes Tuesdays and Wednesdays .
For the last 4 chapters; 17-20, it will be posted on the same day .
Credits go to LOW KAY HWA, writer of 'I Believe You' .