In School ...
Maths; Ms Gan's lesson was supperb fun!
She wanted to give us back our class test papers .
But because majority grumbled, she never give back ):
She said that our class have all the extremes .
If not extremely good, it's extremely BAD! :O
I got 12/15, so it's around there :\
But before we got our papers,
Ms Gan "tortured" us till 10 am,
before we got our papers .
Amazingly, everyone enjoyed her lessons .
Then when Ms Gan looked at the clock, she said,
"OH MY GOODNESS!! It's over 10 already??
Why didn't you guys tell me???"
"loud" people in class: "YES WE DID!!!"
"Do you know I'm a very passionate teacher?? I love to teach and you SEE!! EVERYONE LISTENS UNTIL THE TIME OVERSHOTS!!"
Ms Gan is so CUTE can xD
Later after recess had English..
ROLLER COASTER!! Actually the thing was moving .. VK!! Why is your head sticking there??
What happened to my eye? --"
MOON~~ And there's STILL something wrong with my eye >.>
zoeyy's head cut off, HAHA .
This is called GLOW ~~

Gosh, I feel bad +_+
But Ms Wong didn't take any longer than I expected!
She just said one two sentences and DONE!
Great! I can go home then .
Haha, anyways, after posting,
gtg do art homework .
p.s. I know my blog has been really dead .. I TOTALLY APOLOGISE!! ><"
In School ...
Maths; Ms Gan's lesson was supperb fun!
She wanted to give us back our class test papers .
But because majority grumbled, she never give back ):
She said that our class have all the extremes .
If not extremely good, it's extremely BAD! :O
I got 12/15, so it's around there :\
But before we got our papers,
Ms Gan "tortured" us till 10 am,
before we got our papers .
Amazingly, everyone enjoyed her lessons .
Then when Ms Gan looked at the clock, she said,
"OH MY GOODNESS!! It's over 10 already??
Why didn't you guys tell me???"
"loud" people in class: "YES WE DID!!!"
"Do you know I'm a very passionate teacher?? I love to teach and you SEE!! EVERYONE LISTENS UNTIL THE TIME OVERSHOTS!!"
Ms Gan is so CUTE can xD
Later after recess had English..
Sian~ Her lessons again .. -___-"
Self revision ~
IT; Zoey and I secretly took pics on the comp and saved in our thumbdrives :\

Er ... what's with the two lines on my cheeks? =.=
Percussion people had to meet Ms Wong ..
Just because did not bring back the Glockenspiel yesterday after perf :\Gosh, I feel bad +_+
But Ms Wong didn't take any longer than I expected!
She just said one two sentences and DONE!
Great! I can go home then .
Haha, anyways, after posting,
gtg do art homework .
p.s. I know my blog has been really dead .. I TOTALLY APOLOGISE!! ><"