

And so, I see I can never revert back to my old blogger interface anymore.. I therefore dislike blogger..

It's been quite some time since I've written a post from deep down within me. I figured it's probably time to make blogger useful.

Honesty is my year goal. So how did I come up with it? It's pretty random actually. I just somehow felt that.. I should try to aim to be as honest as possible. If it's for the best for everyone, it should do people good. Of course, there'll be times where people are not used to my frank-ness or are not comfortable it.. or what it brings after the feeling. A lot of things go wrong, but if it - in the end - brings both parties together and closer, I believe, it's worth it, no matter how obviously huge the mountain is that you are going to face just because of being honest.

It's more than half a year now, and if you asked me, of course, I fail, every single time, every single day - as far as I can remember, I think. It's really not easy, and you can try. But first, it's your understanding of being honest. What is honesty? Is it just being frank to when your friend asks how she looks? Is it telling everything single detail of what you'd be doing for the day or so and with who, a report to your parents? Well.. to me, it isn't just the above stated.. But most importantly... Be honest, with yourself.

I've been trying to do so, and as reluctant as I am in always releasing out negative information, I have to. It's hard to disappoint people, but I have to say it. The person has every right to hear it from me, I cannot deny truth.

Well, ever since I'd decided to embark on this journey of being honest, nothing ever seemed the same to me. As cliché as it sounds, one cannot say that statement with full conviction without going through the hardships of what being honest means.

I learnt that being honest with myself has never been easy, especially if by doing so, I can clearly see this huge huge HUGE mountain I have to climb. Honesty just gives that power, enabling you to see the huge hurdle you have to cross, the mountain you have to climb, the fear you HAVE to overcome. It's really intimidating and many times, I've been so intimidated, it was like - using analogies, comparing sizes - a tyrannosaurus vs a tiny baby ant.

I'm never alone.

I always tell myself that. Who knew embarking on this journey from a simple word would be this difficult? But that's when I see it. I see the difficulty. The reason of the difficulty. And it all boils down to this one word that everyone just hates and blames and KNOWS. sin.

If there weren't sin in this world, it wouldn't be so difficult, I wouldn't encounter problems and I believe, being honest wouldn't be a problem at all. I wouldn't have to expect and be disappointed, I wouldn't have to actually bear grudges unknowingly only realising much later. Thank goodness I put this as my aim. Because of that, I discovered a really big grudge - or however you measure grudges - against a very dear friend of mine.

Honesty is good. But it made me see the darkness of that world. Isn't it a trait of God? He is honest, most definitely. And if honesty is good, then all the more, it is difficult to shine with honesty in this world, isn't it?

I guess I see a need to, I'd write another post on this again maybe after the year is over and I'm done analyzing.. Although there's nothing much I can confirm so far.. there is one thing that is really important, that I feel those reading this and those who've probably at least attempted to be honest with themselves at some point of time in their lives, is that.. It's hard to be honest.. it really is. But don't let what the world tells you about the effects of honesty brings pull you down. Because like I said, your family member, your friend, or even your closest buddy, deserves.. has every right to know what you hold within yourself. That even if it brings sadness, the truth is always something everyone should know.. not the fake.
