

I realise how much I detest loud and angry people. Oh, don't get me wrong, I absolutely do not refer to people scolding/reprimanding me or anything cos it would've been quite reasonable, especially when I'm young since I don't know a lot and tend to do a lot of stupid things...

I refer to people - it may be anyone, not just those with anger-management problems - who have those eyes that tell you, "I. HAVE. HAD. E-NOUGH. OF. YOU." eyes.

Yup, it may not just be a public nuisance, especially since those eyes would accompany with the thunderous, intimidating roar, but .. I don't know if some of you get what I'm trying to say, but when you were young, get scolded, sometimes when the reason for that wrongdoing is far beyond our understanding and our parents just don't tell us why, you're just left hanging there? yeah. that's feeling. You... don't really know. I tend to feel like crying when this happens.. even now.

Yeah sure, when I was a kid, I loved attention, I loved fun, I loved company, aaaaaa lot. and when I don't get it, I whine. I whine aaaaa lot. so my parents get really frustrated at me and all.

Perhaps it wasn't just my childhood, but in scary movies, or movies where there's the obvious development ... climax... involving that part where the person scolds that jerk off and that jerk realises blah blah blah...

Okay I feel like my explanations are very vague. Hmm.. well, let's say I'm walking in a shopping centre. in Hong Kong. I bump into a guy. the guy turns around, and scolds me in cantonese. I don't understand a single thing he says, but the moment I look at his face, his eyes. It scares me. and I feel like crying.

ah well. then again, i'm not sure what that is. but I really hate it. all i know is, if I have to face that situation again... I don't know, I'd want to hide my head under the ground or something.. like, forever. sigh. maybe because it makes me feel stupid. .. ahya. shall not think too much 'bout it.

I went cycling today. Had fun. The End.
