Almost to the end of Os

Almost to the end of Os

Finally, the time has come to feel the freedom of secondary education and have a taste of the real world.

Os are just ending and although I must say, I've been enjoying myself, having my fair share of total boredom and being like an emo kid watching movies by myself at home.. :\ And of course, able to be more free and open and happy, able to do Qt more calmly, be more relaxed and spend more time with Ben(:

But just when Os are ending, a lot of things (as they seem up to that amount) are piling up on my to-do list and some things that are too much for me to bear or go through.

Sigh, let's just say I'm feeling really emo now and although I've been really happy in the morning, I'm just suddenly so upset. 11:11 passed a few minutes ago and I'm supposed to be happy, enjoying the "exotic" experience in a lifetime or something. And yet, here I am fuming at all the new stress, fuming at my dog for always wanting to come in and go out of my room and scratching the door and barking. I'm just feeling so paranoid I kept shouting at my dog "no" and since it didn't work for the first few times, I'd just either shout even louder or keep quiet and let her bark.

Couldn't stand it. I just kicked her bed out and locked the door.

so. fed. up. ugh.

hate niageria falls.
