God's realness to me.. Worthy to be praised.

God's realness to me.. Worthy to be praised.

As you guys might've already known, yesterday was the release of the GCE O level Chinese results. It was also the start of my prelim 2 and I had English yesterday. All that'd happened really made me feel God's presence & guidance.

Well, to start off the day yesterday, I had my English paper 1. It was very first time I had written a compo that I felt was good + good handwriting! Very satisfied with that! :D Well, the topic I chose was "Time". I wrote a typical story of passing time etc, with relation to my major exams and so on. Well, as I read that title, the first thing that came to my mind was, "Things will come to pass." And indeed it did. I felt that God was speaking to me right at that moment. No, it wasn't just an idea on what to write about, but more of an encouragement.

Compre and summary was next. It was like the first time I could actually answer the vocab questions with some confidence :o Then I had to sacrifice a point for my summary.. oh well :\ I hope that's a redundant point. Moving on, it was about 12pm+ and the teachs were just about to count the papers they'd collected. Ms Yoong - our principal - appeared on stage, holding a microphone. Everybody started gasping. Ms Yoong told us the overall statistics and it appears that our cohort has done better than our seniors last year! yay! :D Well, I think that the Tamil studs did the best with the figures showing a huge improvement from last year :D :D

Class-by-class stats. more gasping. Crystal - classmate sitting in front of me - turned around and squealed, "I passed!!!! :D :D :D" I'm extremely happy for her and it would seem like a miracle that she did, so I'm really proud of her :D :D Yes, the stats for my class: 100% passes. The feeling of being extremely contented didn't last very long though. I was pretty much more worried for my oral in two hours' time. But I wouldn't say I was anxious either.

I was very happy with my results, I truly am. But the feeling slowly died down and what I kept telling myself was, "Okay, okay, now English prelims and the release of the results are over, I can fully concentrate on my oral now. deep breaths. deep breaths." A lot of my friends were crying; tears of joy.. disappointment.. extreme disappointment.. My classmate, denise, who got a B3, turned to me and said, "Eh, how come I don't have this reaction uh?"

"Beats me," I shrugged, "I don't have it either."

hehe, I wasn't depressed guys, no worries.(: After taking some deep breaths, I felt God's peace within me. And the song that I wrote played in my mind. I was at peace.

I was really glad anxiety didn't get to me. And it's something that I really thank God especially for yesterday. I would've had a major breakdown yesterday - who knows? But I know myself and I know that if I hadn't put my trust in God, I would have.

And so it was preparation for oral time. 1.23pm (about there). Walking down to the canteen. "Eh, need to bring entry proof and ic along anot ah?" Denise asked. "Eh....." Then I recalled.. the other time when I'd dropped my phone and wallet into the toilet bowl... I washed it and left it out in the balcony to dry........... CRAP! IT WASN'T WITH ME! 30 minutes. I ran out of school immediately. The roads were empty and it was difficult to get a cab. I prayed. really desperately hoping there'd be a cab.

1, 2, 3 minutes have passed and nothing..

It was about 1.31pm that an available cab drove pass and I flagged it franctically. Thank God again! I reached my place in about 5 minutes and ran home to get my ic and got back into the cab and headed back to school, reaching at about 1.45pm. I still had 15 minutes to spare, to calm down. Thank God indeed! :D

When we entered the hall, it was so quiet you could hear us breathing. We sat down with our pinafores covering our knees and hands folded, placed nicely on our laps. Many of us were whispering and I'll admit.. I was one of them :p I was so excited to get this done and over with. I wasn't exactly anxious, but I was feeling a little sense of happiness, that light-hearted feeling. Don't know what I was thinking, really. My oral examiners were the most cold-hearted-stone-faced. None of them smiled. Unlike the other three stations. I had a strong feeling I was gonna be questioned by the .. well, mean lady oral examiner from my station. And there I was having the light-hearted feeling =.= weird right? yeah I thought so too.

Calista and I were busy chitchatting for about an hour and our mouths were pretty dry. We even kept laughing about the two male teachs at the second station. One of them was a malay, quite handsome too :p So we laughed about that. The very first girl who'd the examiners from the first station was really dramatic and loud that when she was doing picture discussion and conversation, almost everyone kept quiet to listen and see if we could get some hints :p true enough we got some! Birthday cake.. grandmother.. for picture discussions and celebrations.. storybook.. for conversation. Well, up till now Calista and I still couldn't really fit storybook into the conversation though.. might've heard wrongly :p oh well.

Indeed the whole thing was about birthday celebrations, family and something about old age. Right, hear this, "Would you enjoy growing old? ... What are the advantages of being old?" what -.- These I did not hear. But I nearly laughed when the lady oral exminer told me about this. I can't really remember what I'd said, but I said something which made her smile at me and I was really shocked to see that. The male examiner kinda boosted my confidence a little when all he did was to give me the qian bian face, the ignorant, annoying, nonchalant face. Oh, and play with his pencil -.-" So that got me irritated. I remembered to make eye contact with the two of them as much as possible but not to the extent of creating and awkward atmosphere. But seriously, that guy really got on my nerves -.-

As I thought back about the topic of the conversation, the reading passage (birthday celebration) and the picture discussion.. I thought back 2 weeks ago when my English teach had written down some conversation topics on the board and told us to pick a topic and discuss in pairs. Surprisingly, the topic that Amabel (my partner) took was on family/friends! Wow! God was totally preparing me for the oral ever since two weeks ago! :o :o

The rest of the day went pretty well and I came home to rest for a bit and did some last minute revision on social studies.

Yesterday I did my QT on psalm 56 (I think). And I felt that it really applied to me. The psalmist sang of God's realness to us and how He can make the impossible possible. Just by trusting in Him, that He'll deliver us from our troubles, and He will. For God loves us so much, He wants to bless us and shower us with His love. I was afraid, but God took hold of the situation and granted me His peace. Truly I felt blessed.. Felt that God really touched my heart yesterday. I ended my QT with this song: Amazing Grace.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see

T'was grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Saviour has ransomed me
And like a flood, his mercy reigns
Unending love,
Amazing grace

Indeed, God's grace is enough for us. And to know that God cares so much for us, don't we feel indebted to love Him back and do all we can for His glory just as He has done so many great miracles in our lives and showers us with abundant blessings? All Glory to God! For He is good and He is worthy to be praised!

Well here're two videos I found pretty cute on youtube!


This video's embedding disabled. Do click on the link above to enjoy! :D The song is "Somewhere Out There" from An American Tail.
